02 RGB Led with ESP32


Here we are going to learn how to interface common cathode RGB Led with ESP32 by using Arduino IDE. We will use PWM pin for RGB Led because  it require analog voltage to glow different color.


Common Cathode RGB Led

Schematic Diagram:
Let us code with Arduino IDE:

It is defined here Led pin and channel. Led Red, Green and Blue defined GPIO 25, 26 and 27. Channels are defined 0, 1 and 2 for Red, Green and Blue Leds. We use 5000 frequency and 8 bit PWM resolution.
 #define LEDR 25   
#define LEDG 26
#define LEDB 27
#define R_channel 0
#define G_channel 1
#define B_channel 2
#define pwm_Frequency 5000
#define pwm_resolution 8
This is void setup function. It will only one time. ledcAttachPin() function will connect Led Pin to channel. Here LEDR pin is connect to R_channel, LEDG pin is connect to G_channel and LEDB pin is connect to B_channel. 
ledcSetup function initialize PWM output for Led pins and we passed channel name, pwm frequency and pwm resolution.
 void setup() {   
ledcAttachPin(LEDR, R_channel);
ledcAttachPin(LEDG, G_channel);
ledcAttachPin(LEDB, B_channel);
ledcSetup(R_channel, pwm_Frequency, pwm_resolution);
ledcSetup(G_channel, pwm_Frequency, pwm_resolution);
ledcSetup(B_channel, pwm_Frequency, pwm_resolution);
This is RGB_Color function. We have to pass  RGB color code in decimal.
 void RGB_Color(int i, int j, int k)  
ledcWrite(R_channel, i);
ledcWrite(G_channel, j);
ledcWrite(B_channel, k);
This is void loop function. It runs infinite time. Here Led will glow  with different color with 500 ms delay. 
 void loop() {  
RGB_Color(255,0,0); // RED color
RGB_Color(0,255,0); // green color
RGB_Color(0,0,255); // blue color
RGB_Color(255,255,0); // yellow color
RGB_Color(0,255,255); // cyan color
RGB_Color(255,0,255); // magenta color
RGB_Color(255,20,147); // deep pink color

Arduino  Code

 #define LEDR 25 // RED pin of rgb led is connected to 25 gpio pin  
#define LEDG 26 // green pin is connected to 26 gpio
#define LEDB 27 //
#define R_channel 0
#define G_channel 1
#define B_channel 2
#define pwm_Frequency 5000 // pwm frequency
#define pwm_resolution 8 // 8 bit resolution
void setup() {
ledcAttachPin(LEDR, R_channel);
ledcAttachPin(LEDG, G_channel);
ledcAttachPin(LEDB, B_channel);
ledcSetup(R_channel, pwm_Frequency, pwm_resolution);
ledcSetup(G_channel, pwm_Frequency, pwm_resolution);
ledcSetup(B_channel, pwm_Frequency, pwm_resolution);
void loop() {
RGB_Color(255,0,0); // RED ccolor
RGB_Color(0,255,0); // green color
RGB_Color(0,0,255); // blue color
RGB_Color(255,255,0); // yellow color
RGB_Color(0,255,255); // cyan color
RGB_Color(255,0,255); // magenta color
RGB_Color(255,20,147); // deep pink color
void RGB_Color(int i, int j, int k)
ledcWrite(R_channel, i);
ledcWrite(G_channel, j);
ledcWrite(B_channel, k);
This is basic RGB Color code table. It will be helpful to know RGB color code
👇👇Watch this video for more details👇👇

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